Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Peace, Love & Happiness

It's Christmas time. I love this time of year as much as it's been a mad rush to the finish line.

It hasn't always been this way. I've had more than my fair share of forgettable Christmases. Christmases where I've been without a job or in an unhappy job, Christmases where I've fought with my family, or been alone or in an unhappy relationship and even a Christmas where I was homeless (my hubby and I were in between houses and lived with my in-laws for a period of time).

And that's why I value happiness at Christmas even more these days. My wish for everyone this Christmas is for peace, love and happiness no matter what your religion or cultural background. If you live in a peaceful country, enjoy good health, the love of family and friends, have a roof over your head, clothing to wear and food on the table, then life here on earth is the biggest present of all. I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wish list

I've worked out what I'm wearing and it's none of the dresses I mentioned the other day. It's a little vintage dress I picked up when I was up north on a holiday earlier this year. I had forgotten all about it. I discounted the red Vixen dress as I need a slip to wear under it and it's more evening than day.

Everyone's putting out their Christmas wish list. Mine's been the same for a while now - a pair of Art Deco bedside tables, an Asian antique cabinet for our lounge room and an Art Deco floor lamp. I am more than a little obsessed with all things Art Deco. In my next life, I would be re-born as Anna May Wong - an Asian film star from the 1930s.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Return to Edun

I've mentioned Edun before - the ethical label created by U2 singer Bono and his wife Ali Hewson in 2005. I'd noticed that they'd both been featured in a recent Louis Vuitton ad supporting the Cotton Conservation Initiative in Uganda but what I didn't realise was that LMVH Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessey had actually taken a 49% stake in the brand.

Serious money and recognition that ethics sell as the luxury conglomerate adds Edun to their stable of labels. It gives us hope that there is a future and a market for sustainable fashion.

A Green Christmas - Take 2

I discovered a fab new site today called Eco Christmas Trees. You can hire a live potted tree for Christmas and afterwards, it's re-planted back in the ground. Such a great idea. We've gone with a plastic tree as I've been having dilemnas about cutting down a live tree every year - it seems such a waste as much as I love the look and smell of a real Christmas tree.

I've also got to mention Chadstone Shopping Centre. I'm not generally a big fan of shopping malls but this Christmas, they are supporting the Australian Conservation Foundation via their 100% biodegradable gift cards - a percentage of their sales being donated to the ACF. They've also mentioned this in their 'Green is the New Black' print advertising campaign.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La Dolce Vita

Every year around this time, I start dreaming of living down at the beach. We don't have a beach house but we'd love one. It's been interesting getting to know who's who in the design world. A lot of our contemporaries have made the sea or tree change and I think it's such a brave move. Anne and her family have not ruled out a tree change in the future although I would miss her being so close to me.

It's inspiring to hear about people doing more with less, growing their own vegies, buying at their local markets and shops and giving their kids the opportunity to grow up in a beautiful environment away from the craziness of the city and suburbs. I mentioned Kim Kneipp from The sustainable stylist a little while ago who now lives in Daylesford and in the mean time I have also made another friend. Crystal Leahy is a Singaporean ex-pat married to an Aussie and now living the dream life down on the Mornington Peninsula. She has a fantastic blog called the crystal bawl (so funny!) accompanied by her beautiful photography.

Monday, December 13, 2010

What to wear...

I'm having wardrobe dilemnas trying to work out what to wear on Christmas day. Yes, I know my life must be pretty cruisy at the moment if these are the hardest decisions I have to make. I'm still recovering from three Christmas celebrations in a row over the weekend.

So, it's come down to three outfits - none of which are new. I have a vintage dress I bought on Ebay which I love but have worn a number of times now - it's 50s style and wraps around with a full circle skirt in a pale cream with a watermelon pink bird print. My second choice is also a goodie - a Sportsgirl dress also made of a feather print vintage fabric with spaghetti straps and above the knee - good if it's a really hot day.

My final outfit which is pretty special is a red net Vixen dress with silver print that I bought many years ago - it is a real statement outfit and I'm leaning towards that. Mind you, if the weather is cooler - all these outfits are out and I will go some pants with my Green Eyed Monster kaftan top. There! At least I'm sorted now : )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Treading lightly

We support the Australian Conservation. They've just put out some tips for treading lightly this Christmas in their latest Green Home newsletter. Below is a summary - you can also sign up for the newsletter here.

Give an eco-friendly gift
Donate to a charity
Look for presents that give twice: donate to an environment organisation, charity or overseas aid agency.
Be the festive host(ess) with the most(ess) eco credentials
Buy a living native Christmas Tree
Holiday locally and get out of hot water!
Make creative Christmas presents and decorations at home
Wrap gifts in recycled or re-used paper and make cards

You can read more about their tips here.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cool Melbourne

I had a magical night last night. Took my hubby out for a belated birthday celebration to see Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings play. She's a soul singer from the US and man, the show was awesome! I think it was the best concert I've ever been to!

And it was a balmy, summer night in Melbourne but I could have been anywhere in the world. We grabbed some Japanese food at the very cool Izakaya Den which is in a basement off Russell Street. It was packed full of Melbourne hipsters.

Then before the show, we managed a sneak peek from the roof top bar at Siglo before grabbing a coffee at The European downstairs. I love this city. And I did check out a lot of fashion on the street. We are still a very 'black' city. I have become accustomed to wearing colour, not only because of Green Eyed Monster, but because I find it more celebratory. And I'm definitely in the mood for celebrating now!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Feeling jolly!

We got mentioned in yesterday's Sunday Age M Magazine courtesy of our lovely stockist Sue at Lily and the Weasel in Richmond. Was a bit of a thrill to see our name in print!

Give Now week has just finished. Anne and I support Give Now and receive their Give Now News official newsletter. I mentioned the other day I was having dilemmas on how to be more green this Christmas - there's some great information on how to enjoy a sustainable Christmas in their latest edition. You can subscribe by visiting

A big shout out too today to Anne's big girl Amelia who was in hospital over the weekend. We hope she's feeling better soon.

Xmas Tip: Use ribbon or string instead of stickytape to wrap presents. Stickytape isn’t biodegradable, and also prevents the wrapping paper being reused.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The many faces of Australia

There's a great article called Absent Faces in today's Age on Asian models in the media. My background is Chinese Australian (second generation on my mum's side) and Anne's is Sri Lankan and everywhere you go in Melbourne, you see our fantastic multicultural city - something I'm really proud of.

It's not so the case in the world of advertising and PR and even working behind the scenes in the industry as I did for many years, I'd often only be working with Anglo Saxon Aussies. When I eventually moved into the corporate world I actually found it really refreshing as it more closely represented our diverse society working with Australians of European, Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern heritage.

I said the other day that fashion is for everyone and that also means no matter what sex, race, religion or cultural background as well.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

La Belle Garance...

Garance Dore is in town tomorrow. I've told our friend fashion blogger Natarsha Kershaw from Fashion Rebel to try to get to Doncaster Shoppington to meet her. Garance is shooting Westfield's Autumn Winter advertising campaign and searching for 'it' girls.

Who is she? One of the world's most influential fashion bloggers, a photographer and illustrator in her own right who is partner to William Schuman - the equally famous blogger and photographer of The Sartorialist. They make a tres chic couple, don't you think?

A big consideration

At the moment, Anne and I only produce in three sizes of small, medium and large. We have been asked by larger sized women about doing Green Eyed Monster in plus sizes but for the moment, the demand is just not there. It may change in the future and we are definitely open to it but given we're only in our third year of business in sustainable fashion, we have had to put limits around what we do.

I can relate to some of the frustrations bigger women might have; my own frustrations relate to the way mothers are portrayed particularly in TV advertising. I'm pushing 40 next year and while I'm not trying to dress like a 20 year old, I resent mothers being depicted as these matronly (read 'daggy') figures in the media. Fashion is for everyone and I'm glad there are some fashion-forward boutiques out there who cater specifically for plus sized women.

I have actually approached Australian musician Clare Bowditch about our range in the past. While she is a bigger girl, I think she is absolutely beautiful and she's also very much into fashion as well as being a mother of three. There's also been some nasty publicity about Nicole Trunfio replacing Miranda Kerr at David Jones because she is 'taller, thinner and younger' which I find incredibly bitchy and does nothing for the sisterhood. I will say it again, fashion is for everyone no matter what size you are, how old you are or what your position is in life.