At the moment, Anne and I only produce in three sizes of small, medium and large. We have been asked by larger sized women about doing Green Eyed Monster in plus sizes but for the moment, the demand is just not there. It may change in the future and we are definitely open to it but given we're only in our third year of business in sustainable fashion, we have had to put limits around what we do.
I can relate to some of the frustrations bigger women might have; my own frustrations relate to the way mothers are portrayed particularly in TV advertising. I'm pushing 40 next year and while I'm not trying to dress like a 20 year old, I resent mothers being depicted as these matronly (read 'daggy') figures in the media. Fashion is for everyone and I'm glad there are some fashion-forward boutiques out there who cater specifically for plus sized women.
I have actually approached Australian musician Clare Bowditch about our range in the past. While she is a bigger girl, I think she is absolutely beautiful and she's also very much into fashion as well as being a mother of three. There's also been some nasty publicity about Nicole Trunfio replacing Miranda Kerr at David Jones because she is 'taller, thinner and younger' which I find incredibly bitchy and does nothing for the sisterhood. I will say it again, fashion is for everyone no matter what size you are, how old you are or what your position is in life.
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